Bits of me

My photo
Gilbert, Arizona, United States
5 things that pretty much explain me: *I love to bake *I am not short but "fun size" *A new pair of shoes always helps *My family is a part of me *I am the oldest of 5 (So I like to be in charge) ALSO: Everything is better and worse when you turn 30 BUT I am SO glad my 20's are over!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Whats too short?

I need a change...a big one. Can I pull any of these off? I need suggestions....please :)


Fancy House Road said...

I love the first one!


Paula said...

Lovely lady, you could pull anything off.

Ri said...

Going Short has many advantages!! It is sooooo liberating!! You can always start with the longest and then keep going shorter. Or just go for the gusto!! Good luck and post pics!!